Wednesday 13 August 2008

Erectile Dysfunction And The Prostate: What Are The Connections?

� - Prostate genus Cancer is the leading malignancy in American men and causes more than 60,000 deaths annually. Treatment of prostate gland cancer with either surgery, radiation therapy, cryotherapy or medical treatment is associated with important life neutering morbidity. Both incontinence and erectile disfunction (ED) are too often sequelae of these discourse alternatives. ED can be a pregnant complication and can alter the biography of both the prostate gland cancer patient and his partner. Newer modifications of the radical prostatectomy with nerve scotch techniques ar the foundation of erection preservation.

Time following root word prostatectomy has been shown to step-up erectile function such that more patients have functional erections at 3 age than 1 year after surgery. With the advent of PDE 5 inhibitors, many manpower can take improved functional erections and return to active sex act. Prevention of ED is also an important management technique. Evidence is gathering that prophylaxis with regular vasoactive injection or day-by-day PDE 5 agents may be an integral part of preservation of corpus cavernosum fluid muscle routine. Combination aesculapian therapy and surgical penile prosthesis nidation are besides options for patients flunk oral PDE 5 inhibitors.

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are an age independent risk factor for ED as demonstrated by large

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Ravi Shankar and Yehudi Menuhin

Ravi Shankar and Yehudi Menuhin   
Artist: Ravi Shankar and Yehudi Menuhin



West Meets East: The Historic   
 West Meets East: The Historic

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 7


Wilson: 'No trumpets on new Kaiser album'